Pussycat Lodge
Cat and kitten rehoming policy
Last updated: December 24
We welcome enquiries from anyone who meets our criteria, so please read our rehoming policy in full before contacting us.
Families with young children will certainly be considered, as we believe children and animals should grow up together.
If prospective new owners are out of the house for long periods of the day, we encourage them to have two cats to keep each other company.
For elderly adopters, PCL ask that family or friend will agree to take on the care of the cat if the adopter becomes unable to do so for any reason.
PCL operates purely on the generosity of the public, and our kind adopters. Due to this, we would be extremely grateful of a financial donation towards our ongoing running costs. Vaccination, microchipping, neutering, and flea and worm treatment for just ONE cat costs the charity over £130. This excludes food, litter, cleaning supplies and any other treatments required, so please give generously.
Every cat we rehome will be neutered, microchipped, had a general health check, at least one vaccination, and be flea and worm treated. Further vaccinations and treatments will be the responsibility of the adoptee.
Elderly cats will be given a full vet check, and dental treatment if required before being rehomed.
An initial address check and phone interview will always be conducted by the warden, or a member of the PCL Rehoming Team.
We also carry out home checks where necessary, either remotely or in person.
A rehoming form must be completed for all adoptions and we will require photographic identification for this (passport or driving license) and proof of address: e.g. a utility bill (no more than three months old).
Charity insurance is available for most cats for a free trial period of four weeks, after which time it is the responsibility of the owner to continue the policy or sort their own insurance should they choose to do so.
Unless otherwise stated, all cats and kittens will require outdoor space once they are settled, and of the right age. Adopted cats must be kept in for a minimum of 4 weeks, kittens until they are at least 9 months old.
We will not rehome if the prospective new owners:
* live on or near a busy road (including backing on to a busy road)
* live near a railway
* live in a flat - except in special circumstances i.e. the cat is elderly, handicapped or has never been out or won't go out
* are unable to provide photographic ID and proof of address
Council and housing authority properties are accepted.
Giving a cat or kitten as a surprise gift is not something we recommend or agree with: the gift may not be truly wanted. Under normal circumstances, we would insist that a potential owner meet the cat or kitten of their choice before making a decision. Please think very carefully before enquiring about rehoming - a pet is for life.
Pussycat Lodge aims to provide lifelong support for the cats who pass through our doors. To this end, no cat homed by Pussycat Lodge is ever denied sanctuary if the need arises, although we may need time to arrange a space for them.
All rehomings are at the discretion of our rehoming officer and PCL reserve the right to change our rehoming policy without notice at any time.
Again, we ask that you take time and think very carefully about whether to bring a pet in to your life.
If you require further information regarding any aspects of our rehoming policy please feel free to contact us.